Task Dialog Message Box with Fluent Interface
The Task Dialog is a wonderful Win32 user interface component, and the Delphi VCL TTaskDialog
wraps many of its features in a Delphi-styled interface.
However, creating task dialogs using TTaskDialog
alone involves writing a lot of boilerplate code. Even a very simple message box requires several lines of code.
The purpose of the advanced record given on this web page is to provide a fluent API in which most of the TTaskDialog
’s features are exposed in an elegant, robust, and much more concise way.
First, let us give some examples of this record in action. Then we will give the full source code.
Source code
{******************************************************************************} { } { Rejbrand Task Dialog Message Box } { } { Copyright © 2021 Andreas Rejbrand } { } { https://english.rejbrand.se/ } { } {******************************************************************************} unit TDMB; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Types, UITypes, Classes, Dialogs, Forms, Graphics; type TTaskDialogButtonRec = record Caption: string; ModalResult: TModalResult; Default: Boolean; end; TDetailsPosition = (dpMain, dpFooter); TLinkHandler = reference to procedure(const AURL: string); TMsgBox = record strict private FOwner: HWND; FCaption, FMainText, FSecondText, FDetailsCaption, FDetailsText: string; FDetailsPosition: TDetailsPosition; FDetailsExpanded: Boolean; FIcon: TTaskDialogIcon; FCustomIcon: TIcon; FButtons: TTaskDialogCommonButtons; FDefButton: TTaskDialogCommonButton; FCustomButtons: TArray<TTaskDialogButtonRec>; FFooterText: string; FFooterIcon: TTaskDialogIcon; FCustomFooterIcon: TIcon; FVerificationText: string; FVerificationChecked: Boolean; FVerificationCheckedRes: PBoolean; FFlags: TTaskDialogFlags; FHyperlinks: Boolean; FRadioButtons: TArray<string>; FDefRadioButton: Integer; FLinkHandler: TLinkHandler; FRadioOut: Integer; procedure HyperlinkClicked(Sender: TObject); public const DefaultFlags = [tfAllowDialogCancellation, tfPositionRelativeToWindow]; function Execute(AOwnerForm: TCustomForm = nil): TModalResult; overload; function Execute(out ARadioButton: Integer; AOwnerForm: TCustomForm = nil): TModalResult; overload; function Text(const AText: string): TMsgBox; function TextFmt(const AText: string; const Args: array of const): TMsgBox; function Info: TMsgBox; function Warning: TMsgBox; function Error: TMsgBox; function Shield: TMsgBox; function CustomIcon(AIcon: TIcon): TMsgBox; function WindowCaption(const AText: string): TMsgBox; function Details(const AText: string; APosition: TDetailsPosition = dpMain; const ACaption: string = ''; AExpanded: Boolean = False): TMsgBox; function Footer(const AText: string; AIcon: TTaskDialogIcon = tdiNone; ACustomIcon: TIcon = nil): TMsgBox; function Verification(const AText: string; AChecked: PBoolean): TMsgBox; function Hypertext(ALinkHandler: TLinkHandler = nil): TMsgBox; function Close: TMsgBox; function OK: TMsgBox; function OKCancel: TMsgBox; function YesNo: TMsgBox; function YesNoCancel: TMsgBox; function AddButton(const ACaption: string; AModalResult: TModalResult; ADefault: Boolean = False): TMsgBox; function DefButton(AButton: TTaskDialogCommonButton): TMsgBox; function AddRadioButton(const ACaption: string): TMsgBox; function AddRadioButtons(const ACaptions: array of string): TMsgBox; function DefRadioButton(AIndex: Integer): TMsgBox; function SetFlags(AFlags: TTaskDialogFlags): TMsgBox; function AddFlag(AFlag: TTaskDialogFlag): TMsgBox; function ClearFlag(AFlag: TTaskDialogFlag): TMsgBox; end; function TD(const AText: string = ''): TMsgBox; implementation uses Math, DateUtils, StrUtils, ShellAPI; function TD(const AText: string): TMsgBox; begin Result := Default(TMsgBox).SetFlags(TMsgBox.DefaultFlags).Text(AText); end; { TMsgBox } function TMsgBox.AddButton(const ACaption: string; AModalResult: TModalResult; ADefault: Boolean): TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; SetLength(Result.FCustomButtons, Succ(Length(Result.FCustomButtons))); Result.FCustomButtons[High(Result.FCustomButtons)].Caption := ACaption; Result.FCustomButtons[High(Result.FCustomButtons)].ModalResult := AModalResult; Result.FCustomButtons[High(Result.FCustomButtons)].Default := ADefault; end; function TMsgBox.AddFlag(AFlag: TTaskDialogFlag): TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Include(Result.FFlags, AFlag); end; function TMsgBox.AddRadioButton(const ACaption: string): TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Result.FRadioButtons := Result.FRadioButtons + [ACaption]; end; function TMsgBox.AddRadioButtons(const ACaptions: array of string): TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; var LOldLength := Length(Result.FRadioButtons); SetLength(Result.FRadioButtons, Length(Result.FRadioButtons) + Length(ACaptions)); for var i := 0 to High(ACaptions) do Result.FRadioButtons[LOldLength + i] := ACaptions[i]; end; function TMsgBox.ClearFlag(AFlag: TTaskDialogFlag): TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Exclude(Result.FFlags, AFlag); end; function TMsgBox.Close: TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Result.FButtons := [tcbClose]; Result.FCustomButtons := nil; end; function TMsgBox.CustomIcon(AIcon: TIcon): TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Result.FCustomIcon := AIcon; end; function TMsgBox.DefButton(AButton: TTaskDialogCommonButton): TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Result.FDefButton := AButton; end; function TMsgBox.DefRadioButton(AIndex: Integer): TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Result.FDefRadioButton := AIndex; if AIndex = -1 then Include(Result.FFlags, tfNoDefaultRadioButton); end; function TMsgBox.Details(const AText: string; APosition: TDetailsPosition; const ACaption: string; AExpanded: Boolean): TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Result.FDetailsCaption := ACaption; Result.FDetailsText := AText; Result.FDetailsPosition := APosition; Result.FDetailsExpanded := AExpanded; end; function TMsgBox.Error: TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Result.FIcon := tdiError; end; function TMsgBox.Execute(out ARadioButton: Integer; AOwnerForm: TCustomForm): TModalResult; begin Result := Execute(AOwnerForm); ARadioButton := FRadioOut; end; function TMsgBox.Execute(AOwnerForm: TCustomForm): TModalResult; var TD: TTaskDialog; begin TD := TTaskDialog.Create(AOwnerForm); try if Assigned(AOwnerForm) then FOwner := AOwnerForm.Handle else FOwner := 0; TD.Flags := FFlags; if not FCaption.IsEmpty then TD.Caption := FCaption else TD.Caption := Application.Title; TD.Title := FMainText; TD.Text := FSecondText; TD.CommonButtons := FButtons; TD.DefaultButton := FDefButton; for var br in FCustomButtons do begin var b := TD.Buttons.Add; b.Caption := br.Caption; b.ModalResult := br.ModalResult; b.Default := br.Default; end; TD.ExpandButtonCaption := FDetailsCaption; TD.ExpandedText := FDetailsText; case FDetailsPosition of dpMain: TD.Flags := TD.Flags - [tfExpandFooterArea]; dpFooter: TD.Flags := TD.Flags + [tfExpandFooterArea]; end; case FDetailsExpanded of False: TD.Flags := TD.Flags - [tfExpandedByDefault]; True: TD.Flags := TD.Flags + [tfExpandedByDefault]; end; TD.MainIcon := FIcon; if Assigned(FCustomIcon) then begin TD.Flags := TD.Flags + [tfUseHiconMain]; TD.CustomMainIcon := FCustomIcon; end else TD.Flags := TD.Flags - [tfUseHiconMain]; TD.FooterText := FFooterText; TD.FooterIcon := FFooterIcon; if Assigned(FCustomFooterIcon) then begin TD.Flags := TD.Flags + [tfUseHiconFooter]; TD.CustomFooterIcon := FCustomFooterIcon; end else TD.Flags := TD.Flags - [tfUseHiconFooter]; TD.VerificationText := FVerificationText; case FVerificationChecked of False: TD.Flags := TD.Flags - [tfVerificationFlagChecked]; True: TD.Flags := TD.Flags + [tfVerificationFlagChecked]; end; for var rb in FRadioButtons do begin var b := TD.RadioButtons.Add; b.Caption := rb; if not (tfNoDefaultRadioButton in TD.Flags) and (FDefRadioButton = b.Index) then b.Default := True; end; if FHyperlinks then begin TD.Flags := TD.Flags + [tfEnableHyperlinks]; TD.OnHyperlinkClicked := HyperlinkClicked; end else TD.Flags := TD.Flags - [tfEnableHyperlinks]; if FOwner <> 0 then begin if TD.Execute(FOwner) then Result := TD.ModalResult else Result := mrCancel; end else begin if TD.Execute then Result := TD.ModalResult else Result := mrCancel; end; if (Length(FRadioButtons) > 0) and Assigned(TD.RadioButton) then FRadioOut := TD.RadioButton.Index else FRadioOut := -1; if Assigned(FVerificationCheckedRes) then FVerificationCheckedRes^ := tfVerificationFlagChecked in TD.Flags; finally TD.Free; end; end; function TMsgBox.Footer(const AText: string; AIcon: TTaskDialogIcon; ACustomIcon: TIcon): TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Result.FFooterText := AText; Result.FFooterIcon := AIcon; Result.FCustomFooterIcon := ACustomIcon; end; procedure TMsgBox.HyperlinkClicked(Sender: TObject); begin if Sender is TTaskDialog then begin if Assigned(FLinkHandler) then FLinkHandler(TTaskDialog(Sender).URL) else ShellExecute(FOwner, 'open', PChar(TTaskDialog(Sender).URL), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL); end; end; function TMsgBox.Hypertext(ALinkHandler: TLinkHandler): TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Result.FLinkHandler := ALinkHandler; Result.FHyperlinks := True; end; function TMsgBox.Info: TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Result.FIcon := tdiInformation; end; function TMsgBox.OK: TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Result.FButtons := [tcbOk]; Result.FCustomButtons := nil; end; function TMsgBox.OKCancel: TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Result.FButtons := [tcbOk, tcbCancel]; Result.FCustomButtons := nil; end; function TMsgBox.SetFlags(AFlags: TTaskDialogFlags): TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Result.FFlags := AFlags; end; function TMsgBox.Shield: TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Result.FIcon := tdiShield; end; function TMsgBox.Text(const AText: string): TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; if Result.FMainText.IsEmpty then Result.FMainText := AText else if Result.FSecondText.IsEmpty then Result.FSecondText := AText else Result.FSecondText := Result.FSecondText + sLineBreak + sLineBreak + AText; end; function TMsgBox.TextFmt(const AText: string; const Args: array of const): TMsgBox; begin Result := Text(Format(AText, Args)); end; function TMsgBox.Verification(const AText: string; AChecked: PBoolean): TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Result.FVerificationText := AText; Result.FVerificationCheckedRes := AChecked; if Assigned(AChecked) then Result.FVerificationChecked := AChecked^; end; function TMsgBox.Warning: TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Result.FIcon := tdiWarning; end; function TMsgBox.WindowCaption(const AText: string): TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Result.FCaption := AText; end; function TMsgBox.YesNo: TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Result.FButtons := [tcbYes, tcbNo]; Result.FFlags := Result.FFlags - [tfAllowDialogCancellation]; Result.FCustomButtons := nil; end; function TMsgBox.YesNoCancel: TMsgBox; begin Result := Self; Result.FButtons := [tcbYes, tcbNo, tcbCancel]; Result.FCustomButtons := nil; end; end.