A Delphi VCL Task Dialog-like Table Dialog
This class implements a list view-based table dialog box for the Delphi VCL framework and the native Win32 platform.
First, let us give some examples of this class in action. Then we will give the full source code.

var res := TTableDialog.ShowTable( Self, 'Audio Properties', ['Duration', 'Channel count', 'Sample frequency', 'Bit depth'], ['24 s', '2', '44.1 kHz', '32'], mtCustom );

var res := TTableDialog.ShowTable( Self, 'Audio Properties', ['Duration', 'Channel count', 'Sample frequency', 'Bit depth'], ['24 s', '2', '44.1 kHz', '32'], mtInformation );

var res := TTableDialog.ShowTable( Self, 'Media Player', 'Audio properties', ['Duration', 'Channel count', 'Sample frequency', 'Bit depth'], ['24 s', '2', '44.1 kHz', '32'], mtInformation );

var res := TTableDialog.ShowTable( Self, 'Media Player', 'Do you want to change to this format?', ['Duration', 'Channel count', 'Sample frequency', 'Bit depth'], ['24 s', '2', '44.1 kHz', '32'], [mrYes, mrNo, mrCancel], ['Yes', 'No', 'Cancel'], mrYes, mrCancel, mtConfirmation );
The table can be copied to clipboard and is adjusting its size intelligently depending on its content. Since the table is a list view, truncated strings are shown in full in tooltips:
Similarly, a vertical scrollbar is displayed if necessary (here you also see that high DPI is supported):
Source code
{******************************************************************************} { } { Rejbrand Task Table Dialog } { } { Copyright © 2021 Andreas Rejbrand } { } { https://english.rejbrand.se/ } { } {******************************************************************************} unit TableDialog; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Types, UITypes, Classes, Forms, Dialogs, Controls, Graphics, StdCtrls, ComCtrls; type TTableDialog = class strict private type TFormData = class(TComponent) public ListView: TListView; IconKind: PWideChar; Icon: HICON; LIWSD: Boolean; Title: string; end; class function Scale(X: Integer): Integer; static; class procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); class procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); class procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject); class procedure FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); class procedure LVToClipboard(AListView: TListView); class function GetTitleWidth(const AFormData: TFormData): Integer; static; class procedure SetupTitleFont(ACanvas: TCanvas); static; public class function ShowTable(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ACaption, ATitle: string; const ANames, AValues: array of string; const AButtonTypes: array of TModalResult; const AButtonLabels: array of string; ADefaultButton, ACancelButton: TModalResult; ADialogType: TMsgDlgType; const AWidth: Integer = 0; const AHeight: Integer = 0): TModalResult; overload; class function ShowTable(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ACaption, ATitle: string; const ANames, AValues: array of string; ADialogType: TMsgDlgType; const AWidth: Integer = 0; const AHeight: Integer = 0): TModalResult; overload; class function ShowTable(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ACaption: string; const ANames, AValues: array of string; ADialogType: TMsgDlgType; const AWidth: Integer = 0; const AHeight: Integer = 0): TModalResult; overload; end; implementation uses Math, Clipbrd, CommCtrl; class procedure TTableDialog.FormShow(Sender: TObject); var FormData: TFormData; ComCtl: HMODULE; LoadIconWithScaleDown: function(hinst: HINST; pszName: LPCWSTR; cx: Integer; cy: Integer; var phico: HICON): HResult; stdcall; begin if not (Sender is TForm) then Exit; if not (TObject(TForm(Sender).Tag) is TFormData) then Exit; TForm(Sender).OnShow := nil; FormData := TFormData(TForm(Sender).Tag); if FormData.IconKind = nil then Exit; ComCtl := LoadLibrary('ComCtl32.dll'); if ComCtl <> 0 then begin try LoadIconWithScaleDown := GetProcAddress(ComCtl, 'LoadIconWithScaleDown'); if Assigned(LoadIconWithScaleDown) then FormData.LIWSD := Succeeded(LoadIconWithScaleDown(0, FormData.IconKind, Scale(32), Scale(32), FormData.Icon)); finally FreeLibrary(ComCtl); end; end; if not FormData.LIWSD then FormData.Icon := LoadIcon(0, FormData.IconKind); end; class function TTableDialog.GetTitleWidth(const AFormData: TFormData): Integer; var bm: TBitmap; begin if AFormData.Title.IsEmpty then Exit(0); bm := TBitmap.Create; try SetupTitleFont(bm.Canvas); Result := bm.Canvas.TextWidth(AFormData.Title) finally bm.Free; end; end; class procedure TTableDialog.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); var FormData: TFormData; begin if not (Sender is TForm) then Exit; if not (TObject(TForm(Sender).Tag) is TFormData) then Exit; FormData := TFormData(TForm(Sender).Tag); if (FormData.Icon <> 0) and FormData.LIWSD then DestroyIcon(FormData.Icon); end; class procedure TTableDialog.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); var FormData: TFormData; begin if not (Sender is TForm) then Exit; if not (TObject(TForm(Sender).Tag) is TFormData) then Exit; FormData := TFormData(TForm(Sender).Tag); case Key of ^C: LVToClipboard(FormData.ListView); end; end; class procedure TTableDialog.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); var FormData: TFormData; Frm: TForm; Y: Integer; R: TRect; S: string; begin if not (Sender is TForm) then Exit; if not (TObject(TForm(Sender).Tag) is TFormData) then Exit; Frm := TForm(Sender); FormData := TFormData(TForm(Sender).Tag); Y := Frm.ClientHeight - Scale(25 + 8 + 8); Frm.Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite; Frm.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, Frm.ClientWidth, Y)); Frm.Canvas.Pen.Color := $00DFDFDF; Frm.Canvas.MoveTo(0, Y); Frm.Canvas.LineTo(Frm.ClientWidth, Y); if FormData.Icon <> 0 then begin DrawIconEx(Frm.Canvas.Handle, Scale(8), Scale(8), FormData.Icon, Scale(32), Scale(32), 0, 0, DI_NORMAL); R.Left := R.Left + Scale(32 + 8); end; S := FormData.Title; if not s.IsEmpty then begin R := Rect( Scale(IfThen(FormData.Icon <> 0, 8 + 32 + 8, 8)), Scale(8), Frm.ClientWidth - Scale(8), Scale(8 + 32) ); SetupTitleFont(Frm.Canvas); Frm.Canvas.TextRect(R, S, [tfSingleLine, tfLeft, tfTop, tfEndEllipsis]); end; end; class procedure TTableDialog.LVToClipboard(AListView: TListView); function GetRow(AIndex: Integer): string; begin if InRange(AIndex, 0, AListView.Items.Count - 1) and (AListView.Items[AIndex].SubItems.Count = 1) then Result := AListView.Items[AIndex].Caption + #9 + AListView.Items[AIndex].SubItems[0] else Result := ''; end; var S: string; i: Integer; begin if AListView = nil then Exit; S := GetRow(0); for i := 1 to AListView.Items.Count - 1 do S := S + sLineBreak + GetRow(i); Clipboard.AsText := S; end; class function TTableDialog.Scale(X: Integer): Integer; begin Result := MulDiv(X, Screen.PixelsPerInch, 96); end; class procedure TTableDialog.SetupTitleFont(ACanvas: TCanvas); begin if Screen.Fonts.IndexOf('Segoe UI') <> -1 then ACanvas.Font.Name := 'Segoe UI' else if Screen.Fonts.IndexOf('Tahoma') <> -1 then ACanvas.Font.Name := 'Tahoma'; ACanvas.Font.Size := 12; ACanvas.Font.Color := $00993300; end; class function TTableDialog.ShowTable(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ACaption: string; const ANames, AValues: array of string; ADialogType: TMsgDlgType; const AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TModalResult; begin Result := ShowTable( AOwner, ACaption, '', ANames, AValues, [mrOk], ['OK'], mrOk, mrOk, ADialogType, AWidth, AHeight); end; class function TTableDialog.ShowTable(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ACaption, ATitle: string; const ANames, AValues: array of string; ADialogType: TMsgDlgType; const AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TModalResult; begin Result := ShowTable( AOwner, ACaption, ATitle, ANames, AValues, [mrOk], ['OK'], mrOk, mrOk, ADialogType, AWidth, AHeight); end; class function TTableDialog.ShowTable(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ACaption, ATitle: string; const ANames, AValues: array of string; const AButtonTypes: array of TModalResult; const AButtonLabels: array of string; ADefaultButton, ACancelButton: TModalResult; ADialogType: TMsgDlgType; const AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TModalResult; const Sounds: array[TMsgDlgType] of Integer = (MB_ICONWARNING, MB_ICONERROR, MB_ICONINFORMATION, MB_ICONQUESTION, 0); Icons: array[TMsgDlgType] of MakeIntResource = (IDI_WARNING, IDI_ERROR, IDI_INFORMATION, IDI_QUESTION, nil); var dlg: TForm; FormData: TFormData; lv: TListView; btn: TButton; i: Integer; snd: Integer; W0, W1, W01Min, W01Max, MinW, H, RSpace: Integer; begin if Length(ANames) <> Length(AValues) then raise Exception.Create('The lengths of the columns don''t match.'); if Length(AButtonTypes) <> Length(AButtonLabels) then raise Exception.Create('The lengths of the button arrays don''t match.'); dlg := TForm.Create(AOwner); try dlg.BorderStyle := bsDialog; dlg.Caption := ACaption; if AWidth <> 0 then dlg.Width := Scale(AWidth) else dlg.Width := Scale(640); if AHeight <> 0 then dlg.Height := Scale(AHeight) else dlg.Height := Scale(480); dlg.Position := poOwnerFormCenter; dlg.Scaled := False; dlg.Font.Name := 'Segoe UI'; dlg.Font.Size := 9; FormData := TFormData.Create(dlg); dlg.Tag := NativeInt(FormData); TFormData(dlg.Tag).IconKind := Icons[ADialogType]; TFormData(dlg.Tag).Title := ATitle; dlg.OnShow := FormShow; dlg.OnDestroy := FormDestroy; dlg.OnPaint := FormPaint; dlg.OnKeyPress := FormKeyPress; dlg.KeyPreview := True; for i := 0 to High(AButtonTypes) do begin btn := TButton.Create(dlg); btn.Parent := dlg; btn.Caption := AButtonLabels[i]; btn.Default := AButtonTypes[i] = ADefaultButton; btn.Cancel := AButtonTypes[i] = ACancelButton; btn.ModalResult := AButtonTypes[i]; btn.Width := Scale(75); btn.Height := Scale(25); btn.Left := dlg.ClientWidth - (btn.Width + Scale(8)) * (Length(AButtonTypes) - i); btn.Top := dlg.ClientHeight - btn.Height - Scale(8); btn.Anchors := [akRight, akBottom]; end; lv := TListView.Create(dlg); TFormData(dlg.Tag).ListView := lv; lv.Parent := dlg; lv.DoubleBuffered := True; lv.ReadOnly := True; lv.BorderStyle := bsNone; lv.Left := Scale(8) + IfThen(Icons[ADialogType] <> nil, Scale(32 + 8)); lv.Width := dlg.ClientWidth - Scale(16) - IfThen(Icons[ADialogType] <> nil, Scale(32 + 8)); if ATitle.IsEmpty then begin lv.Top := Scale(8); lv.Height := dlg.ClientHeight - Scale(16 + 8 + 4) - Scale(25); end else begin lv.Top := Scale(8 + 32 + 8); lv.Height := dlg.ClientHeight - Scale(8 + 32 + 8 + 8 + 4 + 8) - Scale(25); end; lv.Anchors := [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]; lv.ViewStyle := vsReport; lv.RowSelect := True; lv.ShowColumnHeaders := False; RSpace := GetSystemMetricsForWindow(SM_CXVSCROLL, dlg.Handle) + scale(2); with lv.Columns.Add do begin Caption := 'Name'; Width := Min(Scale(150), lv.ClientWidth div 2); end; with lv.Columns.Add do begin Caption := 'Value'; Width := lv.ClientWidth - lv.Columns[0].Width - RSpace; end; W0 := 0; W1 := 0; lv.Items.BeginUpdate; try for i := 0 to High(ANames) do with lv.Items.Add do begin Caption := ANames[i]; SubItems.Add(AValues[i]); W0 := Max(W0, ListView_GetStringWidth(lv.Handle, PChar('XXI' + ANames[i]))); W1 := Max(W1, ListView_GetStringWidth(lv.Handle, PChar('XXI' + AValues[i]))); end; finally lv.Items.EndUpdate; end; if lv.Items.Count > 0 then H := lv.Items[0].DisplayRect(drBounds).Height else H := 0; if AWidth = 0 then begin if ATitle.IsEmpty then MinW := Scale(300) else MinW := Min(Scale(8) + IfThen(Icons[ADialogType] <> nil, Scale(32 + 8)) + GetTitleWidth(FormData) + Scale(16), Scale(800)); MinW := Max(MinW, Scale(300)); MinW := Max(MinW, Scale(75) * Length(AButtonTypes) + Scale(8) * (Length(AButtonTypes) + 1)); W01Min := Min(W0, W1); W01Max := Max(W0, W1); if W01Min < W01Max div 5 then W01Min := W01Max div 5; dlg.ClientWidth := EnsureRange( dlg.ClientWidth - lv.Width + W01Max + W01Min + RSpace, MinW, Scale(800) ); end; if AHeight = 0 then dlg.ClientHeight := EnsureRange( dlg.ClientHeight - lv.Height + Succ(lv.Items.Count) * H, Scale(100), Scale(600) ); if (Round(1.2 * W0) < (lv.ClientWidth - RSpace) div 2) and (Round(1.2 * W0) + W1 < lv.ClientWidth - RSpace) then W0 := Round(1.2 * W0); if (W0 > (lv.ClientWidth - RSpace) div 2) and (W1 > (lv.ClientWidth - RSpace) div 2) then W0 := (lv.ClientWidth - RSpace) div 2; if (W0 > 2 * (lv.ClientWidth - RSpace) div 3) and (W1 > (lv.ClientWidth - RSpace) div 3) then W0 := (lv.ClientWidth - RSpace) div 2; lv.Columns[0].Width := EnsureRange( W0, lv.ClientWidth div 6, 3 * lv.ClientWidth div 4 ); lv.Columns[1].Width := lv.ClientWidth - lv.Columns[0].Width - RSpace; snd := Sounds[ADialogType]; if snd <> 0 then MessageBeep(snd); for var CtlIdx := 0 to dlg.ControlCount - 1 do if (dlg.Controls[CtlIdx] is TButton) and TButton(dlg.Controls[CtlIdx]).Default then begin dlg.ActiveControl := TButton(dlg.Controls[CtlIdx]); Break; end; Result := dlg.ShowModal; finally dlg.Free; end; end; end.