The TMultiInputBox
class – a “Task Input Dialog” for the Microsoft Windows desktop
The TMultiInputBox
Delphi class is an input box with the visual style of a Task Dialog.
The public class function
class function TextInputBox(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ATitle, AText: string; var Value: string; ACharCase: TEditCharCase = ecNormal; AAllowEmptyString: boolean = true; AAllowOnly: TAllowOnlyOptions = []): boolean;
is used to ask the user to input a string. AOwner
is the owner form. ATitle
and AText
is the title and main text of the dialog, respectively. Value
is the default value shown when the dialog is shown, and holds the text entered by the user.
is either ecNormal
, ecUpperCase
, or ecLowerCase
. In the two last cases, the entered text will automatically be made upper and lower case, respectively. The empty string is accepted as a result if and only if AAllowEmptyString
is true
(enforced by making the OK button disabled). AAllowOnly
is a set of
TAllowOnlyOption = (aoCapitalAZ, aoSmallAZ, aoAZ, aoLetters, aoDigits, aoSpace, aoPeriod, aoComma, aoSemicolon, aoHyphenMinus, aoPlus, aoUnderscore, aoAsterisk);
If AAllowOnly
is non-empty, only the specified characters will be allowed (enforced by making the OK button disabled). The result is true iff the user clicks the OK button, and in that case Value
will hold the string entered by the user.
The public class function
class function CharInputBox(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ATitle, AText: string; var Value: char; ACharCase: TEditCharCase = ecNormal; AAllowOnly: TAllowOnlyOptions = []): boolean;
is used to ask the user for a single character; otherwise, this works like TextInputBox
The public class function
class function TextInputBoxEx(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ATitle, AText: string; var Value: string; ACharCase: TEditCharCase = ecNormal; AInputVerifierFunc: TInputVerifierFunc = nil): boolean;
works like TextInputBox
but with a custom input-validation function AInputVerifierFunc
of type
TInputVerifierFunc = reference to function(const S: string): boolean;
This function is called (at least) every time the user edits the text in the dialog box, and the Enabled
property of the OK button will be set to the returned value; the argument S
is the current input text.
The public class function
class function NumInputBox(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ATitle, AText: string; var Value: integer; AMin: integer = -MaxInt + 1; AMax: integer = MaxInt): boolean;
is used to select an integer between AMin
and AMax
, inclusively. An Up-Down control will be shown next to the edit field in the dialog box, and if AMin
is non-negative, the edit field will have the ES_NUMBER
style (TEdit.NumbersOnly
in the VCL).
The OK button will be enabled iff the current edit field text is parsable as an integer and this integer value is within the specified range.
The public class function
class function FloatInputBox(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ATitle, AText: string; var Value: real; AMin: real; AMax: real): boolean;
is used to ask the user for a real number between AMin
and AMax
. The OK button will be enabled iff the current edit field text is parsable as a floating-point number and this floating-point number is within the specified range.
Source Code
{******************************************************************************} { } { Rejbrand Input Dialog Box } { } { Copyright © 2015-2016 Andreas Rejbrand } { } { } { } {******************************************************************************} unit MultiInput; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Types, Controls, Graphics, Forms, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, CommCtrl; type TAllowOnlyOption = (aoCapitalAZ, aoSmallAZ, aoAZ, aoLetters, aoDigits, aoSpace, aoPeriod, aoComma, aoSemicolon, aoHyphenMinus, aoPlus, aoUnderscore, aoAsterisk); TAllowOnlyOptions = set of TAllowOnlyOption; TInputVerifierFunc = reference to function(const S: string): boolean; TMultiInputBox = class strict private class var frm: TForm; edt: TEdit; btnOK, btnCancel: TButton; FMin, FMax: integer; FFloatMin, FFloatMax: real; FAllowEmptyString: boolean; FAllowOnly: TAllowOnlyOptions; FInputVerifierFunc: TInputVerifierFunc; spin: HWND; FTitle, FText: string; lineat: integer; R: TRect; class procedure Paint(Sender: TObject); class procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject); class procedure SetupDialog; class procedure ValidateIntInput(Sender: TObject); class procedure ValidateRealInput(Sender: TObject); class procedure ValidateStrInput(Sender: TObject); private class procedure ValidateStrInputManual(Sender: TObject); public class function TextInputBox(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ATitle, AText: string; var Value: string; ACharCase: TEditCharCase = ecNormal; AAllowEmptyString: boolean = true; AAllowOnly: TAllowOnlyOptions = []): boolean; class function CharInputBox(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ATitle, AText: string; var Value: char; ACharCase: TEditCharCase = ecNormal; AAllowOnly: TAllowOnlyOptions = []): boolean; class function TextInputBoxEx(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ATitle, AText: string; var Value: string; ACharCase: TEditCharCase = ecNormal; AInputVerifierFunc: TInputVerifierFunc = nil): boolean; class function NumInputBox(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ATitle, AText: string; var Value: integer; AMin: integer = -MaxInt + 1; AMax: integer = MaxInt): boolean; class function FloatInputBox(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ATitle, AText: string; var Value: real; AMin: real; AMax: real): boolean; end; implementation uses Math, Messages, Character; class procedure TMultiInputBox.Paint(Sender: TObject); begin with frm.Canvas do begin Pen.Style := psSolid; Pen.Width := 1; Pen.Color := $00DFDFDF; Brush.Style := bsSolid; Brush.Color := clWhite; FillRect(Rect(0, 0, frm.ClientWidth, lineat)); MoveTo(0, lineat); LineTo(frm.ClientWidth, lineat); DrawText(frm.Canvas.Handle, FText, Length(FText), R, DT_NOPREFIX or DT_WORDBREAK); end; end; class procedure TMultiInputBox.SetupDialog; begin { * = Metrics from } { } { and } { } frm.Font.Name := 'Segoe UI'; frm.Font.Size := 9{*}; frm.Caption := FTitle; frm.Width := 400; frm.Position := poOwnerFormCenter; frm.BorderStyle := bsDialog; frm.OnPaint := Paint; frm.OnActivate := FormActivate; frm.Canvas.Font.Size := 12; { 'MainInstruction' } frm.Canvas.Font.Color := $00993300; R := Rect(11{*}, 11{*}, frm.Width - 11{*}, 11{*} + 2); DrawText(frm.Canvas.Handle, FText, Length(FText), R, DT_CALCRECT or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_WORDBREAK); edt := TEdit.Create(frm); edt.Parent := frm; edt.Top := R.Bottom + 5{*}; edt.Left := 11{*}; edt.Width := frm.ClientWidth - 2*11{*}; lineat := edt.Top + edt.Height + 11{*}; btnOK := TButton.Create(frm); btnOK.Parent := frm; btnOK.Height := 23{*}; btnOK.Default := true; btnOK.Caption := 'OK'; btnOK.ModalResult := mrOk; btnCancel := TButton.Create(frm); btnCancel.Parent := frm; btnCancel.Height := 23{*}; btnCancel.Cancel := true; btnCancel.Caption := 'Cancel'; btnCancel.ModalResult := mrCancel; btnCancel.Top := edt.Top + edt.Height + 11{*} + 1{*} + 11{*}; btnCancel.Left := frm.ClientWidth - btnCancel.Width - 11{*}; btnOK.Top := btnCancel.Top; btnOK.Left := btnCancel.Left - btnOK.Width - 7{*}; frm.ClientHeight := btnOK.Top + btnOK.Height + 11{*}; end; class procedure TMultiInputBox.ValidateStrInputManual(Sender: TObject); begin btnOK.Enabled := (not Assigned(FInputVerifierFunc)) or FInputVerifierFunc(edt.Text); end; class function TMultiInputBox.TextInputBoxEx(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ATitle, AText: string; var Value: string; ACharCase: TEditCharCase; AInputVerifierFunc: TInputVerifierFunc): boolean; begin FTitle := ATitle; FText := AText; FInputVerifierFunc := AInputVerifierFunc; frm := TForm.Create(AOwner); try SetupDialog; edt.Text := Value; edt.CharCase := ACharCase; edt.OnChange := ValidateStrInputManual; ValidateStrInputManual(nil); result := frm.ShowModal = mrOK; if result then Value := edt.Text; finally frm.Free; end; end; class procedure TMultiInputBox.ValidateStrInput(Sender: TObject); function IsValidStr: boolean; var S: string; i: integer; begin S := edt.Text; result := (Length(S) > 0) or FAllowEmptyString; if not result then Exit; if FAllowOnly = [] then Exit; if aoLetters in FAllowOnly then Include(FAllowOnly, aoAZ); if aoAZ in FAllowOnly then begin Include(FAllowOnly, aoCapitalAZ); Include(FAllowOnly, aoSmallAZ); end; result := true; for i := 1 to Length(S) do case S[i] of 'a'..'z': if not (aoSmallAZ in FAllowOnly) then Exit(false); 'A'..'Z': if not (aoCapitalAZ in FAllowOnly) then Exit(false); '0'..'9': if not (aoDigits in FAllowOnly) then Exit(false); ' ': if not (aoSpace in FAllowOnly) then Exit(false); '.': if not (aoPeriod in FAllowOnly) then Exit(false); ',': if not (aoComma in FAllowOnly) then Exit(false); ';': if not (aoSemicolon in FAllowOnly) then Exit(false); '-': if not (aoHyphenMinus in FAllowOnly) then Exit(false); '+': if not (aoPlus in FAllowOnly) then Exit(false); '_': if not (aoUnderscore in FAllowOnly) then Exit(false); '*': if not (aoAsterisk in FAllowOnly) then Exit(false); else if not (TCharacter.IsLetter(S[i]) and (aoLetters in FAllowOnly)) then Exit(false); end; end; begin btnOK.Enabled := IsValidStr; end; class function TMultiInputBox.TextInputBox(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ATitle, AText: string; var Value: string; ACharCase: TEditCharCase = ecNormal; AAllowEmptyString: boolean = true; AAllowOnly: TAllowOnlyOptions = []): boolean; begin FTitle := ATitle; FText := AText; FAllowEmptyString := AAllowEmptyString; FAllowOnly := AAllowOnly; frm := TForm.Create(AOwner); try SetupDialog; edt.Text := Value; edt.CharCase := ACharCase; edt.OnChange := ValidateStrInput; ValidateStrInput(nil); result := frm.ShowModal = mrOK; if result then Value := edt.Text; finally frm.Free; end; end; class procedure TMultiInputBox.ValidateIntInput(Sender: TObject); var n: integer; begin btnOK.Enabled := TryStrToInt(edt.Text, n) and InRange(n, FMin, FMax); end; class procedure TMultiInputBox.ValidateRealInput(Sender: TObject); var x: double; begin btnOK.Enabled := TryStrToFloat(edt.Text, x) and InRange(x, FFloatMin, FFloatMax); end; class function TMultiInputBox.CharInputBox(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ATitle, AText: string; var Value: char; ACharCase: TEditCharCase; AAllowOnly: TAllowOnlyOptions): boolean; begin FTitle := ATitle; FText := AText; FAllowEmptyString := false; FAllowOnly := AAllowOnly; frm := TForm.Create(AOwner); try SetupDialog; edt.Text := Value; edt.CharCase := ACharCase; edt.OnChange := ValidateStrInput; edt.MaxLength := 1; ValidateStrInput(nil); result := frm.ShowModal = mrOK; if result then Value := edt.Text[1]; finally frm.Free; end; end; class function TMultiInputBox.FloatInputBox(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ATitle, AText: string; var Value: real; AMin, AMax: real): boolean; begin FFloatMin := AMin; FFloatMax := AMax; FTitle := ATitle; FText := AText; frm := TForm.Create(AOwner); try SetupDialog; edt.Text := FloatToStr(Value); edt.OnChange := ValidateRealInput; ValidateRealInput(nil); result := frm.ShowModal = mrOK; if result then Value := StrToFloat(edt.Text); finally frm.Free; end; end; class procedure TMultiInputBox.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); var b: BOOL; begin if SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETSNAPTODEFBUTTON, 0, @b, 0) and b then with btnOK do with ClientToScreen(Point(Width div 2, Height div 2)) do SetCursorPos(x, y); frm.OnActivate := nil; end; class function TMultiInputBox.NumInputBox(AOwner: TCustomForm; const ATitle, AText: string; var Value: integer; AMin: integer = -MaxInt + 1; AMax: integer = MaxInt): boolean; const UDM_SETPOS32 = WM_USER + 113; var ICCX: TInitCommonControlsEx; begin FMin := AMin; FMax := AMax; FTitle := ATitle; FText := AText; frm := TForm.Create(AOwner); try SetupDialog; ICCX.dwSize := sizeof(ICCX); ICCX.dwICC := ICC_UPDOWN_CLASS; InitCommonControlsEx(ICCX); spin := CreateWindowEx(0, PChar(UPDOWN_CLASS), nil, WS_CHILDWINDOW or WS_VISIBLE or UDS_NOTHOUSANDS or UDS_SETBUDDYINT or UDS_ALIGNRIGHT or UDS_ARROWKEYS or UDS_HOTTRACK, 0, 0, 0, 0, frm.Handle, 0, HInstance, nil); SendMessage(spin, UDM_SETRANGE32, FMin, FMax); SendMessage(spin, UDM_SETPOS32, 0, Value); SendMessage(spin, UDM_SETBUDDY, edt.Handle, 0); if FMin >= 0 then edt.NumbersOnly := true; edt.Text := IntToStr(value); edt.OnChange := ValidateIntInput; ValidateIntInput(nil); result := frm.ShowModal = mrOK; if result then Value := StrToInt(edt.Text); finally frm.Free; end; end; end.